Men’s Seminary
The Men’s Seminary consists of men who intensely study the Word of God at an introductory seminary level. We meet on the fourth Saturday of each month from September through May. The Men’s Seminary is open to all men who desire a deeper understanding of the great doctrines of the Christian Faith (Titus 2:9).
In past years we have studied Eschatology (the doctrine of “last things”) and Bibliology (the doctrine of Scripture). We will answer questions such as:
-How can we know that the Bible is God’s Word?
-Are there mistakes in the Bible?
-What was the selection process for books to be included in the Bible?
-What is the doctrine of inerrancy?
-Why do so many people hold to different interpretations of the Bible?
-How should the Bible be understood?
-Does continuing revelation exist today?
We are looking forward to a GREAT time together as we study God’s Word. We hope to see YOU! For more information, please contact Pastor Rob at
Men’s Ministry
Men’s Ministry meets on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 6:30pm. They encourage each other and study God’s Word.